How Do I Know if I Have an AC/HVAC Emergency?

You don’t need a thermometer to tell you that it’s H.O.T. outside. And, if you’re like most New Jersey residents looking for some relief from the heat, you’ve probably been running your AC/HVAC nonstop. Assuming you haven’t given it a break in the past few weeks, your system could be suffering and you don’t even know it.

Preventing an AC/HVAC Emergency

At Point Bay Fuel, we offer 24/7 residential and commercial emergency services for AC/HVAC and other heating equipment when you need it, but there are a few things you can do to prevent an emergency from happening in the first place.

Make a Maintenance Effort

Our number one reason for emergency calls is due to improper maintenance. It’s critical to the health of your AC/HVAC to have everything inspected, cleaned and maintained regularly… that is, if you want to prevent an emergency (which we only assume you do). You can take care of simple tasks, such as cleaning and changing your filter, on your own- no sweat.


Save DIY for Smaller Jobs

Unfortunately, DIY rarely turns out as expected. If you’re not 100% familiar with how to fix something (no matter how easy it looks on YouTube) save it for the professional AC technicians to take a look. Take a look at two (less than successful) DIY examples in our latest blog post, “Tales from a Point Bay Air Conditioner Technician: DIY Gone Bad.

And, besides, we love what we do! So, before you pick up your tool belt or call your neighbor to help, give us a call. You’ll save more than just money in the long run (like your mind).


Let it Go…

Like most things in life, you need to learn to let them go. Your AC/HVAC unit won’t last forever. Aging systems are more susceptible to breakdowns and emergencies than newer, more efficient models.

So, if you find yourself calling in for repeated repairs and emergency service (maybe more often than you’d like to admit), consider the 50% rule of thumb. The 50% rule of thumb means: when the cost of repairs gets close to 50% of the value of your unit, it’s financially smarter to upgrade your system instead of trying to hold on. Let it go…


Give it a Break

It may seem like the easier choice to let your AC run full speed all day and all night, but doing so not only wastes a lot of electricity, it can also stress out the unit big time. If your home is going to be empty for most of the day, schedule the thermostat to turn up the temperature when you leave and then schedule it to turn it down again when you get home for a nice cool home. (aka: let it take a little rest)


Emergency AC/HVAC When You Need It

At Point Bay, we’re not just an oil company! When we say we are a “full service” company, we mean it. Not only do we offer services on Home Heating Oil, but also Heating, Air Conditioning and Installations.Preventing an AC/HVAC Emergency

Our service department is made up of highly trained professionals that have received the best possible training in regards to servicing, troubleshooting, maintaining, and replacing your heating and cooling equipment. Contact us at (732) 349-5059 to learn more.