Roth FAQs
Below are some of our customer's frequently asked questions and answers.
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Here Are Some Of The General FAQ’s To Help With Your Decision-Making Process:
Can An Oil Tank Be Repaired?
That would be no. We never recommend repairing a damaged oil storage tank because of the possible environmental impacts it can have when installed outdoors as well there can be structural damage to the hull which would lead to possible oil leaks. With Roth’s 30 year warranty on their tanks, you can rest easy in knowing you are covered.
Can Oil Tank Pipes Freeze?
Yes, oil lines can freeze when it is cold enough outside (usually below freezing or 32 degrees Fahrenheit), potentially causing costly repairs. At Point Bay Fuel, we treat oil so it won’t freeze in your pipes. If your dealer isn’t treating the oil to prevent gelling or freezing, call Point Bay Fuel for your next home heating oil delivery.
How To Check Oil Tank Level?
Check the gauge on an above ground tank (Roth has easy to read levels ranging from ¼ full to full). Once checked, turn the top fill valve cap (where fuel oil company fills tank) counter-clockwise to open cap. Next, remove the cap from the tank and measure with a 6ft long measuring stick by inserting it into the fill hole until the end of the stick lies on the bottom of the tank. Insert and mark the stick with a pencil where it meets the fill opening. Once pulled out of the tank, check the distance between the oil mark and pencil mark and compare it to a chart.
How To Read An Oil Tank Gauge?
Some tanks have a vertical tube with a plunger that raises and lowers with the level of oil to help you determine the oil level. With Roth storage oil tanks, they have a dial that lists, ¼, ½, ¾, and full to make it easier to know how much home heating oil your tank currently has.
How Do I Dispose Of An Old Heating Oil Tank?
This is a job for a certified contractor. The tank will need to be cut open, cleaned out, and disposed of properly at a junkyard. In New Jersey, most towns require a permit and inspection of the tank before it can be disposed of.
How Long Will A Heating Oil Tank Last?
This all depends on the location and the weather conditions of where the tank is placed.
Regular non-warranty tanks can usually last 8-10 years, whereas double bottom or double-wall tanks could come with a 30-year warranty. Roth offers a 30-year warranty on their tanks and a corrosion-free and rust-resistant design to help keep it storing your fuel for longevity.
How Big Are Home Heating Oil Tanks?
They can range in sizes. In above-ground tanks, they range from 275-400 gallons for individual tanks, and with grouped tanks, you can have up to 5, 400-gallon tanks together.
When Should I Fill A Heating Oil Tank?
You should try to keep the tank as full as possible as it helps to protect the inside of the tank from moisture. We recommend to fill your tank when it is about ¼ full as any point beyond that can cause you to run out before you can have your oil delivered.
How Long Will 1/8 Tank Of Heating Oil Last?
This is a tough question to answer. It all depends on how warm you like your house as well as how your home heating system is performing. Some individuals fill their tanks once a year as others fill it once a month. If you are burning through heating oil quickly, best to have a certified technician from Point Bay Fuel assess your heating system for any issues.
Can I Put Diesel In My Heating Oil Tank?
Yes, you can. It’s generally more expensive to fill your tank with diesel because it includes a lot of taxes, but diesel will work in any heating oil burner. So if you are in a pinch you can use some diesel from a gas station to hold you over till your next fuel delivery.
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